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DP1076-Macron-April 2023

TIPP POLL, Field 3/31 to 4/4, Sample- 1,414 ADULTS NATIONWIDE, CRED INTERVAL +/- 2.8 PTS, ONLINE Survey


Q: Which of the following descriptions best describes the relationship between the United States and the countries listed below? France

{An ally of the U.S., Friendly, not ally, Unfriendly, An enemy, Not sure}
Q: Which of the following descriptions best describes the relationship between the United States and the countries listed below? China

{An ally of the U.S., Friendly, not ally, Unfriendly, An enemy, Not sure}
Q: Please indicate the level of confidence you have in each of the following leaders to make the right decisions in international affairs. French President Emmanuel Macron

{A lot of confidence, Quite a bit of confidence, Little confidence, No confidence at all, Not sure}
Q: Please indicate the level of confidence you have in each of the following leaders to make the right decisions in international affairs. Chinese President Xi Jinping

{A lot of confidence, Quite a bit of confidence, Little confidence, No confidence at all, Not sure}