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DP1075-Taxes-April 2023

TIPP Poll- April 2023, Field 3/29 to 3/31, Sample - 1,365 ADULTS, CRED INTERVAL +/- 2.8 PTS, ONLINE Survey


Q: People feel differently about how far a government should go. Here is a phrase that some people believe in and some don’t. Do you think our government should or should not redistribute wealth by heavy taxes on the rich?

{Should redistribute by heavy taxes on the rich, Should not redistribute by heavy taxes on the rich
Not sure}

Q: Please indicate if you think the following groups are paying their FAIR share in federal taxes, paying too MUCH, or paying too LITTLE. LOWER-INCOME PEOPLE

{Paying their FAIR share, Paying too MUCH, Paying too LITTLE, Not sure}

Q: Please indicate if you think the following groups are paying their FAIR share in federal taxes, paying too MUCH, or paying too LITTLE. MIDDLE-INCOME PEOPLE

{Paying their FAIR share, Paying too MUCH, Paying too LITTLE, Not sure}

Q: Please indicate if you think the following groups are paying their FAIR share in federal taxes, paying too MUCH, or paying too LITTLE. UPPER-INCOME PEOPLE
 {Paying their FAIR share, Paying too MUCH, Paying too LITTLE, Not sure}

Q: Please indicate if you think the following groups are paying their FAIR share in federal taxes, paying too MUCH, or paying too LITTLE. CORPORATIONS
 {Paying their FAIR share, Paying too MUCH, Paying too LITTLE, Not sure}

Q: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: The government should raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans.
{Agree strongly, Agree somewhat, Disagree somewhat, Disagree strongly, Not sure}

Q: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement: The government should raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, even if it means fewer jobs, higher consumer prices, and lower wages.

{Agree strongly, Agree somewhat, Disagree somewhat, Disagree strongly, Not sure}