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DP1069 - Free Trade - Mar 2023

TIPP Poll- March 2023, Field 3/1 to 3/3, Sample - 1,370 ADULTS, CRED INTERVAL +/- 2.8 PTS, ONLINE Survey


Q: Thinking about America’s trade and tax policy , please indicate the extent to which you support or oppose the following ideas: Placing new tariffs on foreign goods

{Support strongly, Support somewhat, Oppose somewhat, Oppose strongly, Not sure}
Q: Thinking about America’s trade and tax policy , please indicate the extent to which you support or oppose the following ideas: Imposing strict controls on trade and investment with China

{Support strongly, Support somewhat, Oppose somewhat, Oppose strongly, Not sure}
Q: Thinking about America’s trade and tax policy , please indicate the extent to which you support or oppose the following ideas: Cutting taxes for American workers and companies

{Support strongly, Support somewhat, Oppose somewhat, Oppose strongly, Not sure}