TIPP Poll- March 2023, Field 3/1 to 3/3, Sample - 1,370 ADULTS, CRED INTERVAL +/- 2.8 PTS, ONLINE Survey
Q: Do you think the following will increase significantly, increase somewhat, stay about the same as now, decrease somewhat, or decrease significantly over the next twelve months? Inflation or increase in prices of goods and services {Increase significantly, Increase somewhat, Stay about the same level as now, Decrease somewhat, Decrease significantly, Not sure}
Q: Do you think the following will increase significantly, increase somewhat, stay about the same as now, decrease somewhat, or decrease significantly over the next twelve months? Interest rates
{Increase significantly, Increase somewhat, Stay about the same level as now, Decrease somewhat, Decrease significantly, Not sure}
Q: Do you think the following will increase significantly, increase somewhat, stay about the same as now, decrease somewhat, or decrease significantly over the next twelve months? Unemployment in the country {Increase significantly, Increase somewhat, Stay about the same level as now, Decrease somewhat, Decrease significantly, Not sure}
Q: Do you think the following will increase significantly, increase somewhat, stay about the same as now, decrease somewhat, or decrease significantly over the next twelve months? Taxes you pay {Increase significantly, Increase somewhat, Stay about the same level as now, Decrease somewhat, Decrease significantly, Not sure}