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DP1067-Ukraine War - Mar 2023

TIPP Poll- March 2023, Field 3/1 to 3/3, Sample - 1,370 ADULTS, CRED INTERVAL +/- 2.8 PTS, ONLINE Survey


Q: How concerned are you that the U.S. and Russia will fight a war over Ukraine?

{Very concerned, Somewhat concerned, Not very concerned, Not at all concerned, Not sure}
Q: How concerned are you that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will lead to the use of nuclear weapons?
{Very concerned, Somewhat concerned, Not very concerned, Not at all concerned, Not sure} 

Q: Do you approve or disapprove of continued military support for the Ukraine war?

{Approve strongly, Approve somewhat, Disapprove somewhat, Disapprove strongly, Not sure}
Q: Given the current U.S. economic condition, do you approve or disapprove of continued financial support to Ukraine?

{Approve strongly, Approve somewhat, Disapprove somewhat, Disapprove strongly, Not sure}